Podcast - Audio & Video

Welcome to 'ANDERS' the podcast for those who don't (want to) fit into pigeonholes. With this podcast, I encourage everyone to follow their individual, authentic path - even if it's not easy. With stories from my life and from people who don't fit into pigeonholes, I motivate and inspire. To be DIFFERENT means to be peculiar, to live your own way - against all odds. People who are different enrich the world and have always driven its development. Especially in times like these, we need courageous, different-thinking and feeling  people. With this podcast, I open up a space for inspiration and motivation to live your otherness courageously.

You can find the podcast here:

We are also happy to make your audio or visual podcast.

by Nik Pichler
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by Nik Pichler 0
by Nik Pichler
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by Nik Pichler 0
by Nik Pichler
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by Nik Pichler 0
by Nik Pichler
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by Nik Pichler 0
by Nik Pichler
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by Nik Pichler 0


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Copyright 2024 Nik Pichler

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