
Nik Pichler and his team are off the beaten track and tell stories of people, brands and companies that are DIFFERENT. In the 18 years of my self-employment, I have carefully selected the right companions. People who always focus on people and their stories. With their creativity, accuracy and understanding, they manage to show companies, brands and people in an authentic way. The basis for our work is my empathy, my knowledge and my experience as a coach, businessman and creative mind.

As a team, we are all united by the highest level of professionalism, a passion for communication and an honest appreciation for people. Since the requirements for successful communication change at rapid intervals, we always have our finger on the pulse. On our social media channels (personal development) we have reached more than 5 million people in the last 4 years. We do not stand still and are always publishing, experimenting and researching. Benefit from our know-how, because we successfully live what we offer you.

Nik Pichler
Managing Director
Ursula Haury
Management Assistant
Dunja Pinta
Graphic Design
Manuel Eisenkirchner
Director of Photography, Editor
Raphael Boos
Franziska Koller
Image editing/retouching

Contact us!


Management Consultancy & Agency
Studio on the Naschmarkt
Lehargasse 3A/2 (Entrance Millöckergasse)
1060 Vienna

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Copyright 2024 Nik Pichler

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